Enroll at IHSPH
The International High School @ Prospect Heights is a 4-year college preparatory secondary school for recent immigrants who are learning English. In our school, students learn English while meeting the requirements of a regular high school diploma. We provide support through our programs, faculty and staff so that students graduate with a college or career plan, financial aid, and ready for the future!
If you are a new immigrant who has come to the United States in the last 4 years and are learning English and wants to prepare for the future while making friends from all over the world, then The International High School @ Prospect Heights is the school for you!
Admission Requirements:
New York City residents living in the United States four years
English Language Learners per New York City Department of Education guidelines scoring at the Entering, Emerging, or Transitioning levels on the NYSESLAT, NYSITELL, or LAB-R
For additional assistance:
Call, text, or Whatsapp Mariano Muñoz (parent coordinator) at (347) 556-1045 or email MMunoz6@schools.nyc.gov